
About Image

I'm Rafael Sales but you can call me 'Sales', a 29-year-old product designer and front-end developer who is very fond of co-creating solutions to complex day-to-day problems, uniting technology and design that are my two passions.

I started my career in the graphic sector, when I was in the last year of high school and fell in love with the possibilities within the design area, right after that I entered the university in the graphic design course, today completing 14 years that I started in the world of design and within the 14 years I have been 10 years working directly in the technology area.



Starting Work at Storyblok

Text under construction ⚙️

Start Course Design System & OPS

Text under construction ⚙️

Start Post Graduate User Centered Design - Interaction Design

Graduate studies turned out to be a major watershed at the professional level, where I ended up seeing the real importance of bringing the user of any product to co-create together with the company and even co-creation between internal teams to seek the best solutions. The methodologies presented in the classes fit together very well with the current market and I can see that it comes directly from the market, as teachers are working daily in the professional area.

Starting Work at Startup abler

I joined startup Abler in its early years, helping with their design improvements and front-end integrations that were maintained with Ruby on Rails. I've been working closely with the project's Founders co-creating the solutions and product enhancements. Within Abler I also had the opportunity to start the first integrations with the Vue.js reactive framework together with Rails Webpacker, transforming the queries of external jobs reactive.

I created SalesCreations

I created Sales Creations in 2016 with a focus on helping companies with design projects, but in the last few years I have changed my position only from design to working with design and technology helping in co-creation with companies in search of solutions.

Start Work in Digital Company (Cenize Software)

The period I was on the Cenize team marked me professionally, as I started on the team as the only team designer right after the company was acquired by Grupo Sage. I believe it was really a very important milestone because it was where I started my career in the technology area working directly with the team of programmers where I learned a lot about Front-End and Back-end development since my knowledge was very basic coming from the Graphic Design graduation.

Start Graduate in Graphic Design

I started my graduation in Graphic Design right after finishing high school with a 50% scholarship from Prouni through Enem grades. As within the SENAI course I really discovered what I would like to work with, I ended up joining the Graphic Design course. At UNICURITIBA I not only learned about the construction of graphic pieces, but I also learned about different areas of design activity, from the graphic to digital, photography, audio visual and even entering sectors of the advertising market.

First Job Graphic Publisher

At Serzgraf it was where I started my professional career and I was able to have my first contact with graphic design in a professional way, which occurred during the technical course in Graphic Editing promoted by SENAI PR.

Start Course Prepress, Graphic Editing and Digital Design

When I started the technical course in pre-printing and graphic editing at SENAI PR in that period I was in the middle of high school. I ended up getting a password to participate in the selection process between 3 technical professional courses which were: electronics technician, mechanics technician and graphic editing technician. As recently on my computer I had just installed Photoshop 7.0 and created some assemblies in the tool, at that moment I started to identify with it. I ended up deciding to carry out the selection process for the graphic editing course.

Start Course Hardware

When I started the hardware course at Microcamp, I was in the first year of high school. Right there at Microcamp, he had received the proposal for the web designer or hardware course. As computer assembly was on the rise at the time and working with maintenance had a vast market, I ended up opting for the hardware course, but at that time I did not imagine that one day I would end up turning to the area of web design and that this would be my profession.